06/07 7월 24-25일 있을 경희대학교 국제학술대회 안내 > 공지사항

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06/07 7월 24-25일 있을 경희대학교 국제학술대회 안내

글쓴이 : 최고관리자

등록일 : 2021-06-23 11:08:37

조회수 : 4,494회


7월 24-25일 있을 경희대학교 국제학술대회 안내

자세한 내용은 아래의 글을 참조해주시고 참석할 의사가 있으신 분은 경희대학교 임효상 교수님께 연락주시면 됩니다.

연락처: 031)201-2236)/010-2604-2016/ hslim@khu.ac.kr

2nd International Conference Kyung Hee University-University of Guadalajara

Day One Monday 24, July.2006

10:00 Welcoming Speech : Dr. Byung-Mook Kim
President of Kyung Hee University
Congratulations :H.E. Leandro Arellano, Mexican Ambassador to Korea
Byung-kil, Han, Director-General, Latin American & Caribbean Affairs Bureau
Roberto Hernández, Director of Pacific Studies Department

Morning Session: Chair Hyosang Lim

10:30-11:30 Manhak Kwon (Professor of International Relations, School of International Studies) Inter-Korean Relations and Northeast Asian Peace
Discussant: TBA

11:30-12:30 Melba Falck (UDG): Agricultural Liberalization in South Korea ,
Discussant : Sei Kyun Choi, Korea Rural Economic Institute

12:40-14:00: Luncheon

14: 10-15:10 Roberto Hernández (UDG): Chinese Foreign Trade and its Relations with Mexico: A Historical Perspective
Discussant: Jung-Mo Kang, Professor of Management, School of International Management

15:10-16:10 Geneviève Marchini (UDG): Banking System and Resource Allocation in Mexico, 1970-2005
Discussant: Young-June Kwon, Professor of Mangement, School of International Management

16:10-17:10 Choi Sei Kyun ( Korea Rural Economic Institute) Korea-Mexico FTA Negotiations
Discussant: TBA

17:10-18:10: Won-Ho Kim (Korea Institut for Trade and Investment) Korea-Mexico Economic Relations: Current Status and Opportunities for Trade and Investment
Discussant: TBA

18: 30: Dinner hosted by Dr. Kwang-Jae Lee, Vice-President of Kyung Hee University

Day 2, Tuesday 25, July 2006

Morning Session: Chair Dong-Ho Park
09:30-10:30 Enrique Valencia (UDG): Changes in the Economic Policies of Korea and Mexico. A Long Term Perspective
Discussant: Jong-Kyou, Professor of International Economics, School of International

10:30-11:30 Arturo Santa-Cruz (UDG): Mexican Foreign Policy and Regional Integration in North America
Discussant: Hahnkyu Park, Professor of International Relations, School of International Studies

11:30-12: 30 Alvaro Hidalgo (Castilla la Mancha Univ. Spain): The Economic Relations between Spain and Korea. Opportunities of Business
Discussant: Jae-Sung Kwak, Professor of International Relations, Graduate School of International Studies

12:30-14:00: Luncheon hosted by Dr. Han Sang Kim, Director for Planning and Coordination
14:30-15:30 Kiwan Sung (School of Foreing Languages): Interculturality in a glocalized context
Discussant: TBA
15:30-16:30 Soobong Kim (Korea Institute of Health and Social Affairs): Family-oriented National Pension Insurance sytem to cope with Low Fertility in Korea
Discussant: Alvaro Hidalgo (Castilla la Mancha Univ.)
16:30-17:30 Heajoo Chung (Pusan University of Foreign Languages) Classic to Postclassic social change of Mayan Civilization: archaeological evidence
Discussant: TBA
19:00 Reception hosted by H.E. Leandro Arellano, Mexican Ambassador to Korea (Ambassador’s Residence)



Email: hispanista.corea@gmail.com